Category: Thoughts

  • My Grandfather’s Story

    My Grandpa Fuiten was an amazing man. He was a sheriff, pastor, father and wonderful person. Not long ago, he wrote the story of his life. I wish you could have known him like I did. Here is his story.

  • Creation deemed a success story – Enumclaw Courier-Herald

    Almost 1,400 volunteers rallied to make Creation Northwest 2010 rock. As volunteer coordinator, no-one knows better how many people and how much effort it takes to pull off something of this magnitude. The Enumclaw Courier-Herald wrote a nice article about the impact our little festival had on the community. You can read it here: Creation…

  • Funny Justin Timberlake Medley

    This is perhaps the most creative video I have seen. Playing everything from an iphone to a ukulele, pay careful attention to how each object is used. Thanks to my buddy Fred for sending me a link to this video. I get distracted by shiny objects and this video kept me rapt for the entire…

  • Your health depends on where you live

    This interesting video with Bill Davenhall talks about how certain areas of the USA have a higher rate of heart attack than others, partly because of the air we breathe, the water we drink and the food we eat. I live in a Red area now. It’s been nice knowin’ ya.

  • Ellen’s Official Unofficial Canadian Olympic Correspondents

    Check out this one! One of the two ladies is a Festie! [youtube ZvCiTCGTTYs] Julia and Sarah are the Canadian Olympic Correspondents (COC’s) (unofficially). Our goal is to be Ellen’s Canadian Olympic Correspondents (COC’s) (officially). Please help us by sharing these videos and telling Ellen we are the best COC’s for the job.

  • John Voight takes on Obama

    Finally, a sane voice in Hollywierd. Video – Breaking News Videos from – Actor takes on Obama.

  • Finding Compassion: Blame It on Creation

    Here is a great story from Dave Wells, a Creation Festival attendee, who was moved to sponsor a child in 1999. 10 years later, that simple step triggered a series of heart-changing events. Read Dave’s story here: Finding Compassion: Blame It on Creation.